Sunday, 19 December 2010

Lives and loves of a Victorian Clerk

I read an interesting article relating to the lives and loves of a Victorian Clerk .Westminster City Council archives have created a blog based on a Victorian Clerk's diary of 1846 - transcribing the entries, then loading them on to the blog  including related images from the archive and releasing the entries on the equivalent day in 2010. It seems to have created a stir Nationally and Internationally - seems like a really interesting way of using blogging technology to lead to a collection.

to sum up thing 6

pop art elephant

I got carried away and had a Warhol moment!

The real "thing" 6 - Big huge lab

Big huge labs was good fun - I made a jigsaw. Really liked how easy it was to link to my flikr account.

The real "thing" 6 - cool text

Created a logo using cool text - which was very easy to do and easy to edit when I forgot to add my own text. I'm not sure what I might do with it yet, but it's good to know that it exists.
Linking buttons on the blog e.g. a logo for new books....?

Saturday, 11 December 2010

back to flickr and picnik

Just had a very happy time using picnik - lots of fun and creativity available there. See the results here.

Thing 6 - Image generators (letterJames)

My thing numbering has gone awry this entry is really thing number 6 which looks at image generators.
The first to try is Letterjames and to celebrate the forthcoming holidays - I've chosen a seasonal theme. But I can see it being very useful for marking occasions in the library/academic calendar - I think I might use this one in my music blog, but might also spend hours trying to top it (there was a chocolate Santa that looked tempting!). Also a flurry of e-cards (until the novelty wears off).

It was amazingly quick and easy to do and the best bit was not having to create yet another account (Hurrah!). I am having problems adding further images into this post - but that's either blogger or my computer at fault.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Thing 6 - Creative commons licence

My creative commons licence has now been added to the bottom of the page I think I imagined it would be a long and tedious process so it suprised me how simple it seemed. Perhaps becasue of the simplicity I dithered a bit before opting for a liberal approach -  but with non-commerical use (not that there could ever be commerical use of my material!)

When reading the licence terms, it occurred to me that
  • As this is being done as a staff development activity - Does the employer own the copyright? in which case should the licence should be for the University
  • Does the University have a policy on creative commons licences?
  • Should we consider licencing the academic laision blogs and subject pages? Even if we gave our material a liberal licence it would show evidence to staff and students of how we are engaged in the debate around copyright and the web.

Connected to my last point, when looking at other users of creative commons licences I came across some interesting music material that I think I will be adding to my music blog at some point.