Friday, 15 October 2010

flikr - Some of my photos

Flickr - the commons

Just found "the commons" on Flickr - hidden treasures in the world's public photography collections.
partners include Brooklyn Musuem, Smithsonian, Imperial War Musuem and many many more.....
Work with schools, Rivington Street Branch : a girl's club l...

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

my photos

Ohh blogger's gone weird on me - can't see any options but a big blank screen. I've noticed that in general it seems a bit "flaky" - I've not been able to save my posts and have had to re-write them a couple of times.

Anyway I thought I'd mention that I'm starting to put my pictures on flikr but I think that they are quite large file sizes - does anyone have any tips on how to reduce the file size without affecting the quality too much.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

David Sedaris

David Sedaris reading a short story from his new collection

Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk: A Modest Bestiary


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

snapfish and flickr

Still struggling uploading photos - down to 2 at a time and it's doing the primo thing of 99%. While I was waiting I discovered that flickr links with snapfish - where you can print your photos and turn them into fabulous gifts and decorative items - and also into STAMPS; as in postage - is this legal? does the Queen know? - I'M SORELY TEMPTED.....

flickr - uploading photos

I did "break" flickr. The best thing seems to be to upload a few photos at a time - been organising them into folders which is quite good fun ...I'm such a librarian! - brings back happy memories of the slide library - just wait until I start "tagging" AKA subject terms.


Oh well reached the monthly upload limit on flickr very quickly. I think they are quite high res. images? but it's good as I have to be EVEN MORE selective.
It's been a useful exercise for me as I bought a new camera on holiday and knew that I would have to try to work out how to upload the images - I've got a tendancy to keep buying new cards for the cameras (this may be my 4th, 5th, 6th...?!).
The difficult part was the yahoo password - I had to change it twice before I could get into flickr. The time consuming part was uploading the camera software onto the computer. The easy part was uploading the photos to flickr.... I spoke too soon.....I'm writing this while I wait for the images to upload -I think I may have taxed the broadband to it's limit! (stuck at 14%.....).